This translation is older than the original page and might be outdated. See what has changed.

You can find us also on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram! You can read our previous mails here: Rundmails If you want to get onto the mail distribution service, just write us a mail!

Wiki of our "Fachschaft"

Wir repräsentieren alle Studierenden, welche Mathematik, Physik, Polymer Science, Data Science und Astrophysik studieren. Schreibe uns gerne eine E-Mail wenn du Fragen hast oder klicke dich durch unser Wiki.
Wir arbeiten momentan noch an mehr Informationen für Polymer Science, Data Science und Astrophysik. Durchs klicken auf euer Fach oben werdet ihr zu euren Bereichen des Instituts weitergeleitet.

uk_flagge.jpg We are the representation for students who study Mathematics, Physics, Polymer Science, Data Science and Astrophysics. Write us an E-Mail if you encounter any problems or if you have questions regarding your study.
We are currently working on pages with more Information for Polymer Science, Data Science and Astrophysics. By clicking on your subject above you will redirected to your page.

Current events

Prof. Bargheer has made an information paper to help students with choosing their subject of choice, which we are very thankful for. :) Information (in German)

The FSR is meeting currently over Discord or in presence in house 28.

The next meeting will be on
Date: 28.10.2021
Time: 18:00 Uhr
Place: Forum Physikum
agenda and protocol

Next plenary
Date: 23.06.2021
Time: 17:00 Uhr
Place: Forum Physikum/Zoom
agenda and protocol

All Maphys and also Astrophysics students are invited to join our meetings. :)

Coming meetings

  • VeFa at 19.08.2021 18:00 online
  • Faculty committee at 15.09.2021 14:30

All information regarding committees are to be found here.
Got any input, questions or want to join a meeting? Just drop a mail to or speak to one of our representatives.

The klausurtagung is a meeting of the FSR, taking several days. Just speak us up or write us a mail to in case you want to join. We are looking forward to your assistance! =)

Time: 16.-18. September 2021
Place: Raum
Start: 11am on 16. of September
End: 15:00 on 19. of September

The “Forum Physikum” and the “Mathe Cafe”
Is the library full? No free seminar rooms for studying? Looking for like-minded people, the FSR or just information?
Well look no further, cause we got you covered! Whether just for learning, comfortable chatting with friends or when you want to know what goes on on campus, you can find all this here. :-D
Also our offices are there.

Forum Physikum
Physics building

Mathe Cafe
Maths building

The exact addresses are here...
In case there is no room there, there are also the communication rooms of every research group. They are usually open when there is no group in there, so you can also go and learn in there. The exact list for the physics institute is found here.

For a successful studying we have a collection of past exams as well as Bachelor and Master thesises for you to inspect. To keep this collection up to date, please contribute to it by sending us your exams or thesises to our Mail address.

We also have protocols of oral exams, that can be looked at in our office in room Just come and ask us. :)

We wish you good luck for your studies!
Your student council

  • Last modified: 3 years ago
  • by Sophia Dahm