Old revisionsBacklinksBack to top Share via Share via... FacebookSend via e-MailPrint × Student council 2019/20 Here you'll find the members of the FSR 2019/20, their presence in committees, and their positions inside the FSR. To the committees Our newest FSR member Mitglieder Sönke Beier 5. Semester Mono-Bachelor Physik Hier zu erreichen “Mit dem ersten Glied ist die Kette geschmiedet. Wenn die erste Rede zensiert, der erste Gedanke verboten, die erste Freiheit verweigert wird, sind wir alle unwiderruflich gefesselt.” - Picard Jonas Dieckmann 3. Semester Mono-Bachelor Physik Hier zu erreichen Andy Großhennig 5. Semester Mono-Bachelor Physik Hier zu erreichen “Everything just disappears, everything you are, gone in a moment like breath on a mirror. We all change when you think about it. We're all different people through our lifes. And that's ok, that's good. You got to keep moving as long as you remember all the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this, not one day…” - Doctor Sophie Möckel 9./3. Semester LA-Bachelor Mathe/Latein Hier zu erreichen Niklas Polei 1. Semester Mono-Master Physik Hier zu erreichen Jasmin Sophie Pusch 4. Semester LA-Master Mathe/Physik Hier zu erreichen Hans Reimann 5. Semester LA Mathe/Englisch Hier zu erreichen Julian Stähle 5. Semester Mono-Bachelor Physik Hier zu erreichen Charlott Thomas 7./3. Semester LA-Bachelor Mathematik/Deutsch Hier zu erreichen Committee representatives MatNat Faculty council Ida Charlott Hans Institute council physics Jonas Sönke Institute council maths Sophie Charlott Exams committee maths Sophie Charlott Exams committee physics Niklas Andy Exams committee physics teaching Nannette Study commission maths Hans Charlott Yannik Study commission physics Nannette Jann Sönke Study commission MaPhy teaching Hans Jasmin Sophie Charlott Lukas Study commission special education Sophie Charlott Study commission orientation studies Hans Jonas VeFa Charlott Niklas Julian Internal positions Finances Andy Internet presence Website admin Julian Felipe Maintenance homepage Jasmin Niklas Social Media Julian Sönke Sophie Networking Mat Nat Networking Jonas Niklas BuFaTa/LaFaTa Jasmin Consulting Charlott Hans Felipe Jasmin Evaluation Felipe Advertising Julian Post/Mails Post Niklas Sönke Mails Charlott Admin mailing lists Felipe Andy Confidants Hans Charlott Key allocation Master key for the physics building Jonas Niklas Key for the maths building Yannik Sönke Last modified: 3 years agoby Sophia Dahm