Old revisionsBacklinksBack to top Share via Share via... FacebookSend via e-MailPrint × Involvement in your study You wanna get involved or you're looking for people who share your interests? Then check out this page: Registered associations at the Uni Potsdam Of you can get involved at the institute, in the student council and the FSR, the faculty or other university-politics related organizations (Stupa,Asta…). A good overview of all university-political committees can be found here. That's always a hit in CVs and can especially help you make a good impression with scholarships. Oftentimes you'll find offers in the mailing list too. Further cool projects worth mentioning are: Der Umverteiler in Potsdam (makes it so that still edible groceries won't get thrown out) https://www.gemueseackerdemie.de (Introduction of gardens into schools and daycares) https://www.bundjugend-brandenburg.de (Coole Ökologische Projekte) Freier Zusammenschluss von Student*innenschaften (Cool ecological projects) Potsdamer Tafel https://maskmaker.de (help sewing masks) https://fluechtlingshilfe-babelsberg.de (Teaching german as a foreign language and other cool projects to help refugees find their way around germany) Erzählcafe to get to know different cultures in Potsdam and meet refugees in a comfortable atmosphere AIESEC (Organizations that can help you go abroad or let you help students who want to go abroad) http://pangea-projekt.de https://ksg-potsdam.jimdofree.com/semesterprogramm-aktuell/ (catholic students union Potsdam) Last modified: 3 years agoby Sophia Dahm